Master's degree program in Environmental Science and Engineering
一级学科代码 : 0830
Discipline overview and research direction
The Environmental Science and Engineering has been approved as the first-level doctoral program in 2011 and the first-level post-doctoral research center as well as the first-level master program in 2012. This discipline takes the road that scientific research combining science with engineering, combining theory with application, combining scientific research with achievement transformation, thus integrating multiple interdisciplinary subjects such as environmental science, environmental engineering, chemical engineering, life science (ecology, toxicology, botany, Microbiology, biotechnology), engineering sciences (bioengineering, mechanical engineering, agricultural engineering), resource recyclability and other disciplines together as a whole, finally a series of scientific basic theory and applied technology research have been carried out and achieved rapid development. Until now there are 49 doctoral tutors, 74 master tutors, and 2 Jiangsu Science &Technology Innovation Teams in this discipline, forming a high academic level and reasonable young middle-aged teaching team.
(1)水污染控制技术 Water pollution control technology
(2)大气污染控制技术 Air pollution control technology
(3)环境生态修复技术 Environmental ecological restoration technology
(4)农业环境保护工程 Agricultural Environmental Protection Engineering
(5)污染控制工程及设备 Pollution control engineering and equipment
(6)生物质资源及废弃物利用 Biomass resources and waste utilization
(7)环境污染与健康 Environmental pollution and health
(8)环境分析检测技术 Environmental analysis and detection technology
Training objectives
1. 遵纪守法,品行端正,学风严谨,团结协作,具有较强的事业心和开拓进取精神。具备包容、认知和适应文化多样性的意识、知识、态度和技能,能够在不同民族、社会和国家之间的相互尊重、理解和团结中发挥作用。
Students should abide by discipline and law, and have good conduct as well as rigorous academic style, and can cooperate well with other people with a strong sense of enterprise and pioneering spirit. Meanwhile, students should have awareness, knowledge, attitudes and skills for tolerance, recognition and adaptation to cultural diversity, which could play important roles in mutual respect, understanding and solidarity among different peoples, societies and countries.
2. 具有坚实的环境科学与工程方面的基础理论和系统的专门知识,特别是环境化学、环境生物学、环境生态学、污染物处理技术、生态修复技术、污染控制工程及设备等专业和方向的基础理论和实验技能;具有一定从事科学研究或独立担负专门技术工作的能力,在科学或专门技术上有新见解。掌握一门外国语,具有一定的国际视野和应用外语开展学术研究和学术交流的能力。
Students should possess solid basic theory and systematic expertise as well as experimental skills of environmental science and engineering, especially in the fields of environmental chemistry, environmental biology, environmental ecology, pollution reatment technology, ecological restoration technology, pollution control engineering and equipment etc; has the ability to engage in scientific research or undertake specialized technical work independently or has new ideas on science or the specific technology. Meanwhile, students should master a kind of foreign language and have a certain international vision to use foreign language to carry out academic research or academic communication.
3. 身心健康,能完成学习任务和胜任所担负的工作。
Students with both physical and mental health could complete the task of learning and your own research work.
Training modes and the duration of study
1.学习年限The length of study
The length of study for academic-based overseas graduate students is generally three years. If necessary, you can apply for an extension, which is generally no more than one year. In principle, early graduation is not allowed.Academic-based overseas graduate students should achieve higher academic achievement to graduate in two and a half years. A paper by the first author SCI or EI must be added based on the basic requirements for publishing academic papers and obtaining scientific research results of normal study duration.
Graduate students training implements the tutor responsibility system and encourages the implementation of the guidance group responsibility system to guide the entire process of graduate training. The tutor (guidance group) is not only responsible for formulating the graduate training plan, guiding scientific research, professional practice and dissertation, but also has the responsibility of guiding, demonstrating and supervising the ideological and moral qualities as well as academic ethics of graduate students.
Course credits
Credit requirements
The total credits of the course shall be no less than 28 credits, including no less than 14 credits for degree courses and no less than 14 credits for elective courses.
Course Category 课程类别 |
Course Name 课程名称 |
Credit 学分 |
Term 学期(Spring/Autumn) |
School by which Courses opened 开课学院 |
type of the course 课程性质 |
Remark 备注 |
Degree courses 学位课 |
Public degree course 公共学位课 |
Integrated ChineseⅠ 综合汉语Ⅰ |
1.5 |
Autumn 秋学期 |
Language & Culture Center 语言文化中心 |
Compulsory 必修 |
Integrated ChineseⅡ 综合汉语Ⅱ |
2.5 |
Spring 春学期 |
Language & Culture Center 语言文化中心 |
Overview of China 中国文化概论 |
3 |
Autumn 秋学期 |
OEC 海外教育学院 |
Basic Theory Course 基础理论课 |
Mathematical Statistics 数理统计 |
2 |
Autumn 秋学期 |
School of Finance & Economics 财经学院 |
At least 2 credits 至少2学分 |
Numerical Analysis 数值分析 |
2 |
Autumn 秋学期 |
School of Mathematical Sciences 数学科学学院 |
The Theory of Matrices 矩阵论 |
2 |
Autumn 秋学期 |
School of Mathematical Sciences 数学科学学院 |
Advanced Environmental Chemistry 高等环境化学 |
2 |
Autumn 秋学期 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering 环安学院 |
English taught course 全英文 |
At least 2 credits 至少2学分 |
Advanced Environmental Biology 高等环境生物学 |
2 |
Autumn 秋学期 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering 环安学院 |
English taught course 全英文 |
Core Specialized Degree Courses 核心专业学位课 |
Introduction of modern environmental engineering 现代环境工程概论 |
3 |
Autumn 秋学期 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering 环安学院 |
English taught course 全英文 |
At least 3 credits 至少3学分 |
Non-degree course 非学位课 |
Specialized Elective Courses 专业选修课 |
Frontiers of environmental science & engineering 环境科学与工程学科前沿讲座 |
2 |
Spring 春学期 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering 环安学院 |
English taught course/ cutting-edge lecture 全英文/前沿讲座 |
Optional 任选 At least 12 credits 至少12学分 |
Experiments of environmental safety testing and analysis 环境安全检测与分析实验 |
2 |
Spring 春学期 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering 环安学院 |
English taught course/ experiment platform 全英文/实验平台 |
Environmental Ecology 环境生态学 |
2 |
Spring 春学期 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering 环安学院 |
English taught course 全英文 |
Molecular Environmental Biology 环境分子生物学 |
2 |
Spring 春学期 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering 环安学院 |
English taught course 全英文 |
Advance in environmental pollution control 环境污染控制进展 |
2 |
Spring 春学期 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering 环安学院 |
English taught course 全英文 |
Environmental Biotechnology 环境生物技术 |
2 |
Spring 春学期 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering 环安学院 |
English taught course 全英文 |
Ecological Restoration Technology 生态修复技术 |
2 |
Spring 春学期 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering 环安学院 |
English taught course 全英文 |
Advanced Enzymology 高级酶学 |
2 |
Spring 春学期 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering 环安学院 |
English taught course 全英文 |
Environmental toxicology 环境毒理学 |
2 |
Spring 春学期 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering 环安学院 |
English taught course 全英文 |
Environmental ethics 环境伦理学 |
2 |
Spring 春学期 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering 环安学院 |
English taught course 全英文 |
Academic Proposal and Presentation 论文开题与报告 |
2 |
Spring 春学期 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering 环安学院 |
English taught course 全英文 |
Development and Utilization of Energy Plants 能源植物开发与利用 |
2 |
Spring 春学期 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering 环安学院 |
English taught course 全英文 |
Public Elective Courses 公共选修课 |
All graduate programs in all disciplines throughout the school 全校所有学科的全部研究生课程 |
Optional 任选 At least 1 credits 至少1学分 |
Note: Please specify the type of the course { English taught course, bilingual course, cutting-edge lecture or experimental course}课程性质中请明确是全英文课程、双语课程、前沿讲座或实验平台课程等
Extended credit requirements
Practice credit requirements
Graduate students must participate the academic activities and compulsory parts during the course, also adopt the credit system, which is collectively known as practical credits. Practical credits and course credits are not generic, thus both course credits and practical credits of graduate student should meet the requirements before entering the thesis defense. The total practical credits for academic graduate students should reach at least 8 credits.
1.学术活动(2学分)Academic activities (2 credits)
Graduate students must participate in academic seminars organized by the school, include special lectures, academic reports, graduate forums attended by domestic and foreign well-known experts and scholars. After participating in academic seminars, a complete academic report must be formed. Graduate students should participate in more than 10 academic report activities during their study period. Academic activities are assessed by disciplines or tutors.
At the same time, in order to broaden the academic horizons of graduate students, school encourages graduate students to participate in international conferences or national high-level academic conferences during the school period and display academic papers or oral reports at the conference. Graduate students display academic thesis posters or oral presentations at international conferences or national high-level academic conferences can be regarded as qualified for their academic activities.
2.文献阅读(2学分)Literature reading (2 credits)
Graduate students must read a certain amount of chinese and foreign language literature in order to cultivate the ability of studying academic literature and acquiring knowledge by themselves. Graduate students must translate professional foreign-language materials or works of more than 20,000 chinese characters. Literature reading will be evaluated and recorded by the tutor before the dissertation begins, and unqualified students are not allowed to enter the thesis opening session of the degree thesis.
3.专题研讨(1学分/次)Seminar (1 credit/time)
During the period of school, graduate students must conduct literature, academic research progress reports and special seminar reports publicly, no less than 2 times, and interdisciplinary research discussions are encouraged. Special seminars are evaluated and determined by the tutor.
4.实践环节(1学分)Practice session (1 credit)
Academic-type graduate students (except for in-service staff) must carry out practical parts which not less than 1 month (usually including teaching practice, production practice and social survey, etc.). Graduate students are encouraged to assist tutors with guiding undergraduates' graduation design (thesis) or as undergraduate teaching assistants. In principle, each graduate student assists the tutor with guiding one undergraduate student or serving as a teaching assistant in a course for undergraduates. The tutor is responsible for the assessment of practice.
Dissertation and degree requirements
1.论文开题The opening session of thesis
The opening session of thesis is the first step in the process of cultivating graduate students and their degree thesis work. Before writing degree thesis, graduate students must go through a serious investigation and research, check a large amount of literature, especially foreign language literature, understand the history and current status of their main research direction, and on this basis determine the research topic of the degree thesis and make a thesis opening report. The opening report should discuss the key issues such as the basis of thesis selection, the plan of research, expected goals , scientific research results and work plan.
Only the graduation thesis in which the thesis opening report already passing one year (at least 8 months) is allowed to apply for thesis defense. For specific requirements, please refer to Requirements and Assessment Methods for the Topic Selection and Opening of Postgraduate Dissertation of Jiangsu University (Provisional).
2.完成完整的科研训练与获得相应的科研成果Accomplish complete scientific research training and obtain corresponding scientific research achievements
Graduate students must participate in the entire process of scientific research training and obtain certain scientific research results. For specific requirements, please refer to the Regulations on Scientific Research Achievements of Postgraduates in Jiangsu University.
3.论文撰写Ddissertation writing
The dissertation must be completed independently by the graduate student under the guidance of the tutor. For the format of the dissertation, please refer to Requirements for Writing Format of Graduate Thesis of Jiangsu University.
4.论文评阅与答辩Ddissertation review and defense
The course credits, expansion credits and practical credits of graduate students must achieve the requirements before entering the dissertation review and defense. The requirements for the submission and defense of degree thesis are detailed in the Rules for the Implementation of Degree Awarding in Jiangsu University and The Work Method of Blind Examination for postgraduate Thesis of Jiangsu University.
Other Requirements
The graduate students which studying in environmental science and engineering should have the ability of lifelong learning. For specific requirements, please refer to the Guidance on the Preparation of 2020 Postgraduate Training Program of Jiangsu University (Provisional).
Appendix: Catalogue of professional journals to be read
1.Environmental Science & Technology
2.Energy & Environmental Science
3.Ecology Letters
4.Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
5.Environmental Health Perspectives
6.Advances in Ecological Research
7.Environmental Microbiology
8.Journal of Ecology
9.Environment International
10.Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
11.Water Research
12.Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part B-Critical Reviews
13.Annual Review of Environment and Resources
14.Environmental Research Letters
15.Environmental Research
16.Environmental Pollution
17.Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
18.Water Resources Research
19.Science of the Total Environment
20.Journal of Environmental Management
21.Environmental Chemistry
22.Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
23.Environmental Science and Pollution Research
24.Environmental Health
25.Environmental Toxicology
26.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
27.International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
28.Applied and Environmental Microbiology
29.Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology
31.Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
32.Archives of Toxicology
33.Analytical Chemistry
34.Microbial Ecology
35.Biotechnology for Biofuels
36.Journal of Materials Chemistry C
37.Journal of Environmental Sciences-China
38.Environmental Science & Technology Letters
39.Journal of Membrane Science
40.Bioresource Technology
41.Journal of Hazardous Materials
42.Soil Biology & Biochemistry
43.Biosensors and Bioelectronics
44.Resources Conservation & Recycling
45.Ecological Engineering
46.Environmental Sciences and Ecotechnology