Dr. Christopher Joseph Kirubaharan
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Biofuels Institute, Jiangsu University,
301 Xuefu Rd. Zhenjiang – 212013,
Jiangsu Province, P.R.China
Phone No : (mob) : 91-9944653031
E-mail : kirubaharanmku@gmail.com
2011-2016 Ph.D. ( Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry)
Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai-21, Tamilnadu, INDIA.
Adviser: Dr.G.Gnana kumar
Thesis title: Modification of Electrodes for the Empowerment of
Biofuel Cell Electricity Generation
Areas of speciality: Nanostructured and nanocatalysts materials,
Nanocomposites / Polymer nanocomposites, colorimetric sensors,
organic catalytic and microbial fuel cells applications.
2009-2010 M.Phil (Master of Philosophy in Chemistry)
The American College, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India.
2007-2009 M.Sc. (Master of Science in Chemistry)
Gandhigram Rural University, Dindigul, Tamilnadu, India.
2003-2007 B.Sc. ( Bachelors of Science in Chemistry)
The American College, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India.
Teaching experience
2015- till now Assistant Professor-Department of Chemistry
The American College, Madurai, India
2010-2011 Assistant Professor-(FDP Programme), Department of Chemistry
PMT College, Usilampatti, Tamilnadu, India
Awards and Fellowship
1stPrize for Poster Presentation inNational Symbosium on Newer Horizon in Chemistry,Manonmanian Sundaranar University, Thirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India, 09, March.2012.
Research experience
Project Assistant: DST-SERB Fast Track Project (February -2012 to December-2014) Project Title: “Development of polymer composite electrodes and electrolyte membranesfor the empowerment of biofuel cell electricity generation.”
Project Fellow: TNSCST Project ( September-2008 to April-2009)
Project Title: “Studies on essential oil of Thottea Siliquosa and its Antibacterial activity“
Expertise in Designing
Synthesis and characterization of size controlled nanoparticles/nanocomposite for the application of organic catalytic and sensor applications.
Different structural architectures: Nanoparticles synthesis (homogeneously shaped, sized, and monodispersed phase), Metal nanoparticles (Spherical, Triangular, square shapes) Polymer supported nanocomposites.
Instrument handled
Magnificent in interpreting data: UV-Vis., (DRS), Fluoresence spectra, FT-IR, Powder-XRD, TGA, DSC, EDX, SAXS, HR-TEM, SEM, AFM, HPLC and GC.
Analytical skills: Proficient in handling UV-Vis., Spectrofluorometer, FT-IR, GC-MS, AFM.
Summary of research work
My entire research was focused for visualize the state-of-the-art catalysts to reach the desired characteristics properties. To synthesize the environmental benign and highly efficient prepared nanocatalysts has been tuned for the morphological, structural and thermal properties. Finally to evaluate conductive properties of the catalyst with the modification of anode and cathode through the constructed bio fuel cells by increasing the electrochemical robustness.
List of Publications
C. Joseph Kirubaharan, D. Kalpana, Yang Soo Lee, A. R. Kim, Don Jin Yoo, Kee SukNahm, G. Gnana Kumar Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 51, 2012,7441.
Engineering Chemistry Research 51, 2012, 15626.
Advanced Materials Journal 6, 2014, 483.
G.Gnana kumar, C. Joseph Kirubaharan,S.Udhaya kumar, K. Ramachandran, C.
Karthikeyan, R.Renganathan, Kee Suk Nahm ACS sustainable Chemistry and
Engineeirng 2, 2014, 2283.
and Engineering Chemistry Research 53, 2014, 16883.
· C. Joseph Kirubaharan, K. Santhakumar, G. Gnana kumar, N. Senthilkumar, Jae-
Hyung Jang International Journal of Hydrogen Energy40,2015,13061.
G.Gnana kumar, C. Joseph Kirubaharan,Don Jin Yoo, Ae Rhan Kim International Journal of Hydrogen Energy30,2016,13208.
Paper presented in conference and symposia
Presented the paper entitled “Synthesis of N-doped graphene sheets by chemicalvapour deposition method for the application of microbial fuel cells” in the 18thNational Convention of Electrochemist (NCE - 18) held at Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamilnadu, India during 23rdand 24thJuly 2014.
· Presented the paper entitled “Ionic liquid mediated Polyaniline / Gold nano Composites
for the applications of microbial fuel cells” in the National Conference on Chemistry
solutions, SRM University, Kattankulathur, Tamilnadu, India, 21- 22, Febrauary 2013.
· Presented the paper entitled “Bio-mediated silver nanoparticles for the highly selectivecopper (II) ion sensor applications” National Symbosium on Newer Horizon inChemistry, Manonmanian Sundaranar University, Thirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India, 09, March.2012.
Presented the paper entitled “Azadirachta indica extract mediated biocompatiblePalladium nanoparticles” International conference on nanomaterials and applications,Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal, India. 28-29, Febrauary 2012.
Workshops and seminar attended
Attended two days “international Conference on Advanced Materials, Processing and Devices (AMPD-2013) held on 15-16 July,2013, Organized by Department of MaterialsScience, School of Chemistry, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai,Tamilnadu,India.
Attended One day national seminor “Applications of Chemistrry to CurrentTechnologies-2010” held on 11-January,2010 at S.Vellaisamy Nadar College,Madurai,Tamilnadu,India.